Архив событий


In West Kazakhstan regional court discussed issues of corruption crimes


In West Kazakhstan regional court held a "round table" devoted to the issues qualification of actions of officials in the committing of corruption crimes.

In the work of the "round table" were attended by judges of the regional, city, district and equivalent courts, as well as representatives of the City Prosecutor's Office, Department of the Interior and the Financial Police region.

Meeting with most active members districts of Almaty region


Today the chairman of the appellate judicial board on civil and administrative cases of Almaty regional court Baratbekov T.K. met with most active members of Aksu and Alakol districts, which brought together veterans of The Great Patriotic War and labor, the deputies of district Maslikhats,  akims of rural districts, public servants, representatives of non-governmental and youth organizations, cultural associations.

The Union of Judges of Kazakhstan and the American Bar Association held a joint workshop for young judges


22 тамызда Алматы қалалық соты ҚР Судьялар Одағының Қазақстан Республикасындағы ABA ROLI Америкалық заңгерлер ассоциациясының өкілдігімен ынтымақтастығының аясында «азаматтық істер жөніндегі сот шешімдерін құру әдістемелері» деген тақырыпта ғылыми-практикалық семинар өтті. 

There was a plenary session of the Supreme Court


Today there was a plenary session of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The participants of the meeting considered two issues: discussion of candidates for the post of chairman of the appellate judicial board of Almaty regional court and the approval of the form and describe the judicial robe.

On the first question on the alternative basis presented candidates for the vacant post of Chairman of the judicial board of Almaty regional court.