UNICEF is in Juvenile court №2 of Semey city

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In the framework of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Children's Fund of the United Nations (UNICEF) in Kazakhstan, UNICEF experts in the current year implemented a project to assess the Kazakh model of juvenile courts, documenting their development, results and gained experience.

In response to the planned monitoring of the trial, data collection and interviews in the courts, in order to document and analyze specialized inter district court number 2 juvenile East Kazakhstan region visited national expert D.Zhakaev. During the visit, an expert familiarized with the material and technical equipment of the court had a conversation with the chairman of the court R.Kusainov and judges. Later D.Zhakaev expert will participate in the trials, except for a closed hearing in civil and criminal cases.

The results of the experts' work of UNICEF in the form of reviews will be presented within the international conference on the theme: "20 Years of the UNO Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan: the access of children and families to justice", organized by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with UNICEF in October this year in Astana .

Press office of East Kazakhstan region