Russian colleagues have expressed their gratitude to the staff of Mangistau regional court

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Addressed to the Chairman of Mangistau regional court D.Amirov received a letter of thanks from the city court of St. Petersburg city of the Russian Federation.

The city court of St. Petersburg city expressed his gratitude to the chairman and the staff of Mangistau regional court for the cooperation and assistance in the proceedings of the criminal case involving E.A.Malgareev, A.V.Chekashkin and Yu.Yu.Zhalgasov.

Mangistau regional court on July 23 of 2014 organized a video conference call with witnesses in a criminal case S.V.Ivanov with the court of St. Petersburg city.

Convicted E.A.Malgareev, A.V.Chekashkin and Yu.Yu.Zhalgasov in 2003 were convicted by Collegium for Criminal Cases of Aktobe regional court for the murder and robbery. Today they served their sentence in prison in the city of Aktau. Convicted with them S.V.Ivanov at the time of carrying out the court who escaped from a country at a given time for a crime on the territory of the Russian Federation was in the dock in the city court of St. Petersburg.

Press office of Mangistau regional court