Discussed the problems of the emergence in practice use of the Law on Mediation

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Today in Almaty regional court held a round table discussion on the problems of emergence in practice use of the "Law on Mediation."

In the discussion of this topic took part  judges of the regional, urban, specialized inter district economic and juvenile courts of Koksu, Eskeldi, Karatal, Aksu districts, as well as professional and non-professional mediators.

The main goal of this event is to provide practical assistance to judges coordinators of mediation, a mediation agreement to discuss the role in the judicial process and the new changes in the Law "On Mediation", according to which civil cases can be resolved in order mediation. Mediation is a form of non-judicial resolution of disputes by a neutral third party and impartial is the optimal form of alternative dispute resolution. During the mediation process the parties involved in the conflict on their own come to a mutually acceptable solution, based on the experience, knowledge and skills of a mediator. Resolution of the dispute depends entirely on the will of the dispute and the mediator has full control over the decision making process in terms of the direction of the solution.

The main goal of mediation is mutually beneficial, a settlement agreement, the terms of which reduces the level of arguing.

By round table participants were revealed problems arising from the use of the Law "On Mediation" and their solutions, discuss issues arising in considering civil cases. 

Press office of Almaty regional court