Judges of Petropavlovsk held a seminar for employees of the Department of Internal Affairs

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The judges of Petropavlovsk held a seminar in the Department of Internal Affairs of the North Kazakhstan region, during which they informed about the changes in the judicial system in the light of the implementation of the tasks set by the Head of State in the Address and at the VII Congress of the Republic's judges. "

The judges of the regional and administrative courts, the prosecutor of Petropavlovsk A.Trikachev, the leadership and personnel of the DIA units of the region took part in the seminar.

Opening the event, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the North Kazakhstan region Berik Bilyalov noted its importance and significance.

Acting chairman of the Administrative Court Aigul Akpanova in her report noted that in the Address of the Head of the State to the people of Kazakhstan - "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness", the Head of State named five priorities designed to ensure the growth rates of the economy of our state above the world average and sustainable promotion among the 30 advanced countries. Among these priorities are accelerated technological modernization of the economy, cardinal improvement and expansion of the business environment, macroeconomic stability, improving the quality of human capital, institutional transformation, security and fighting corruption.

A.Akpanova accentuated the attention of the audience on the fact that during the years of independence, when creating the state, special attention is paid to the formation of a modern judicial system. The ultimate goal of any real judicial reform is an independent and incorruptible judiciary, where the honesty and professionalism of judges, justice and access to justice are paramount.

Judge Alena Devyatkina drew the attention of seminar participants to offenses that encroached on public order and morality, noted the need to present full evidence to the court.

Judges Aslambek Koshenov and Gulzhan Taleyeva spoke about some issues arising in the consideration of cases on AO under Art. 596 CAO RK and made recommendations on the preparation of cases on administrative offenses.

In the course of the event, the seminar participants also discussed other problematic issues that arise when referring to cases of administrative offenses.

At the end of the seminar the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the North Kazakhstan region B. Bilyalov presented letters of thanks to the judges for rendering various assistance and joint qualitative and fruitful work.

Press office of the North-Kazakhstan regional court