Court passed a judgment of acquittal

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Zelenovsky district court №2 of WKR acquitted director of Kushumsk neuropsychiatric medical and social institution K.Dzhumagaziev of committing of a crime stipulated by Art.307 Part 1 of the Criminal Code RK (abuse of powers - in the old edition).

The court acquitted due to lack in his actions corpus delicti, the qualifying sign - causing essential damage to the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations or to the interests of society or the state protected by the law.

By the preliminary investigation bodies K.Dzhumagaziev charged that he has engaged individuals who did not actually work in the abovementioned organization, but got wages.

During the trial, this fact has not found its confirmation, as workers in the facility carried out labor activity on maintenance of computers, but were registered in the staff as wipers.

On the basis of established facts, the first instance court came to a conclusion that K.Dzhumagaziev’s legality of acts must be considered within the framework of labor law, and not by way of criminal prosecution.

The court sentence has not entered into legal force.

Press office of the West Kazakhstan regional court