Juvenile Court of Atyrau implements a pilot project on pre-trial settlement of disputes in order of mediation

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There was a "round table" in the specialized inter-district juvenile court of the Atyrau region, the participants of which discussed the implementation of the pilot project of the Supreme Court on the implementation of pre-trial settlement of disputes (conflicts) in certain categories of disputes in order of mediation.

Judges, professional mediators, representatives of education departments, law enforcement agencies, NGOs and lawyers took part in the round table.

The chairman of the court B.Zhumabaev, having opened the "round table", noted that the project is primarily aimed at pre-trial settlement of disputes related to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, in particular, on disputes about the residence of the child, the order of communication between the parent and the child, taking away from other persons.

According to Judge G. Otaryly, the juvenile court has already considered four civil cases with the application of a pilot project. He noted the work in the implementation of the pilot project mediators M. Mukhtarova, N. Kozhakhmetov, R. Kaliyeva and G. Mardanova.

Assessing the event, the participants noted its practical usefulness.

Press office of the Atyrau regional court