Introduction the institution of the investigative judge is need of the time

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Today in court №2 of Kostanay city held a roundtable discussion on the algorithm of introduction the institution of the investigative judge prescribed in the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was attended by the chairmen and judges of city courts and the judge of appellate judicial board on criminal cases of Kostonay regional court Shepeleva L.A., as well as representatives of the regional Bar Association and the prosecution authorities.

During the meeting, the judge of the court number 2 of Kostonay city Salamatova M.M. told about the new procedural person - the investigative judge.

On issues of introduction the institution of the investigative judge, spoke the chairman of the Specialized inter-district court on criminal cases Zhumagulov A.F., which familiarized presents with the powers of the investigative judge to exercise judicial control at the stage of pre-trial investigation and outlined the procedural and legal status of the investigative judge.

On the results of the discussions, by the participants of the roundtable, it was noted that the most important reference point legal policy of the state was the humanization of criminal policy, the improvement of which should be done through a comprehensive, interconnected correction criminal, criminal procedure and criminal executive law.

Press office of Kostonay regional court