Figure of the day - 223 520! "Judicial Office" gains popularity among users

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In the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan discussed the results of the work and further development of the service "Judicial office".

"Judicial office" – is a unified window of access to online services and judicial services by means of which the citizen, his representative or attorney at any convenient time, without requiring them to leave their places of residence, office via the Internet can send claim (appeal), and appeal the application in electronic form, pay a state fee in the online, to view court documents and the status of the case and print a judicial act, and monitor the procedural deadlines.

Today, through the service "Judicial office" electronically filed 223,520 documents, including 182 714 legal claims, 1,592 appeals and 492 cassational appeals, petitions for supervisory review 199 appeals of individuals and legal entities 23,965 other claims and petitions in the case of 14,558.

In the month it fills over 20 thousand documents in electronic form.

When compared with the year 2014 (in 6 months from June - 105 707), then for 5 months in 2015 has filed 114 937 documents in electronic form or are 8% higher, that means that the popularity and use of "Judicial office" grows. Accordingly, the quantity of users grows, and today it makes more than 20 thousand.

Advantages of "Judicial office" that claims, complaints and other documents may be submitted at any time of the day, having a computer, digital signature, and the Internet, the sender receives an instant coupon on sending a document in electronic form indicating the court (the addressee ), the parties, the date and time of sending.

Also, participant of trial can independently control the observance of procedural deadlines of consideration of the case, and at their violation to call and report the Uniform Call-center in 1401 the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will help to eliminate defects of a work of the courts quickly.

Thus, users of "Judicial office" go to court already on appointed, for a certain day and time of the hearing or a preparatory procedure, thereby saving their time and money to travel, if the court is located in a remote area or even other city.

Press office of the Supreme Court of the RK