The newly established training center began its work

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In Pavlodar city court began its activity newly established training center. This innovation has been realized not by chance, just of the total staff 34% of judges have been working less than three years, and 38% experience at least one year. Because the court is the base for considering civil cases in the region and for the consideration received huge number of claims and statements of various categories, there is a need for continuous learning, intensive cultivation. As part of the implementation of the judicial system of innovative technologies, namely the coupon system of document turnover and "Judicial office" from the judges, despite their limited experience, requires certain skills for the appropriate and timely manner, within the civil procedure legislation deadlines, consideration of incoming cases, claims statements, statements about the writ.

So, at the first workshop classes has become the subject of considerable importance in the resolution of the dispute, the stage of the proceedings governed by Articles 153-155 CPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the adoption of a statement of claim to the court proceeding. There were thoroughly understand the category of cases in which must be met by legislation order pretrial dispute resolution procedure, order and the rule to refuse to accept the claim, the grounds for return or leaving it with no movement.

By moderators and mentors, chosen from among the judges who have some experience in the judicial system, taking into account the views of young wards are identified topics for the following activities, which will be held regularly. Undoubtedly, this project will bring a positive result.

Press office of Pavlodar city court