judicial office

New possibilities of "Judicial office"


The Supreme Court on an ongoing basis conducts monitor the use of online services and takes into account the trials participants’ opinion and citizens.

One of the major online services is a "Judicial office". Since the launch of "Judicial office" users appreciated its convenience and effectiveness.

So for the first 9 months of 2016 via the "Judicial office" submitted 512,658 electronic documents, including 441,175 legal claims. This represents 78.5% of all submitted legal claims.

The electronic court documents authenticity is confirmed by QR-code


As everyone knows, some citizens of online services are still wary of electronic documents. However, with each passing day the number of service "Judicial office" users is growing and is currently directed to the judicial authorities of the republic in an electronic form over 809 thousand legal claims, appeals and other documents.

Военный суд Акмолинского гарнизона провел семинар для адвокатов по использованию «Судебного кабинета»


The Akmolinsk garrison military court to clarify the possibilities of service "Judicial office" held a seminar for legal advice lawyers of Esil district of Astana city.

In the course of the seminar, the listeners presented a promotional video, shot by the Akmolinsk garrison military court, which briefly and clearly explains the service main advantages.

"Judicial office": users’ proposals as a basis for improving service


In 2014, the Supreme Court on the official Internet site (www.sud.kz) has launched an electronic project "Judicial office" - a single window access to online services and the judiciary services.

"Judicial office" is intended to simplify the legal proceedings via electronic interaction, as well as the efficiency, accessibility and the judicial system transparency.

The number of applications has increased significantly in the capital courts submitted via the service "Judicial office"


On passed in the Esil district court of Astana "round table" its participants - judges, the district akimat representatives of the capital and prosecutors discussed the matters on implementation of IT-technologies in the judicial system.

In the course of the meeting, the chairman of the Esil district court Damir Abdugaliev noted one of the perspective directions of optimization work on the administration of justice, to achieve maximum transparency of legal proceedings, application of information technologies.

More than 7000 users of the service "Judicial office" took part in the online-polling


The Supreme Court from 4 April of the current year started online-polling of trial participants and other users of the service "Judicial office".

The polling is conducted to identify the level of citizens’ satisfaction by the availability and quality of Kazakhstan's courts work within the framework of the ongoing reforms, as well as the implementation of Plan of Nation "100 concrete steps"

A new information service functional "Judicial office" is launched


One of the President's instructions, announced at the republic Sixth Congress of Judges, - to provide wide access of citizens to justice, the active implementation of modern information technologies in the judicial system work. The Head of the Department on support of courts activities under the Supreme Court Ilyas Ispanov informed how this significant challenge implements:

Service "Judicial office" will now allow making a complaint against a public authority action


The most important priorities for the judiciary power development of the Republic of Kazakhstan are identified in the Legal Policy Concept for 2010-2020, approved by Presidential Decree dated 24 August 2009 under the number 858. Among them there are increased use of information technologies to simplify proceedings, improving accessibility, openness and transparency of justice.

Members of the Chief Editors Club acquainted with the judicial system new technologies


Today, in the City Court of Astana the head of the Department on support of the courts activity under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Department) I.Ispanov met with members of the Chief Editors Club. The Judge – Coordinator on Media relations of the Supreme Court E.Maksyuta, senior officials of the Department and the Office of Astana City Court took part in the event.
