The employees of the Department and the capital courts took part in the charity event

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On the eve of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic employees of the Department of the Supreme Court and Astana courts took part in the charity event.

Within the framework of action they helped a large poor family the owner of the badge "Altyn Alka", the mother of seven children Mariyash. The family lives on the outskirts of the capital, is in a very difficult financial situation, does not have their own homes, and is currently removed in a dorm room.

Courts employees provided family food essentials, warm clothes, bedding and school, home appliances and toys.

Mother of children expressed gratitude for the help and support.

Head of the Department Abay Toksaba in a conversation with the mother-heroine stressed that the action managed to hold thanks to the proceeds from recycled paper, which collected all the capital courts. He wished the children good health, success in school, ensuring that the courts are going to assist in the future on a regular basis.

According to the head of the Military Court Administrator Nursultan Baytilesov, a gradual transition of the judicial system to a paperless electronic document contributed to cost savings for the procurement of office paper. Procured in less paper after using it is not destroyed, sorted and sent to the company for processing waste. The proceeds are directed to charity.

It will be recalled that under the leadership of the Supreme Court in April 2016 all republic courts have begun work on the waste paper collection. Thus today managed to collect 70 tons of paper and help out around 2 million tenge, of which about 8 tons of collected courts located in Astana.

Press office of the Supreme Court