Discussed novellas in the criminal legislation

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In Pavlodar regional court with the participation of judges of the regional, city and equivalent courts, as well as prosecutors, law-enforcement bodies, the penal system, the Bar of the region, a roundtable on the major novellas of the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, the Criminal Execution Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This roundtable is organized in the framework of realization the United State Plan for the transition to a new model of criminal and criminal procedure codes, approved by decree of the Head of the State of April 9, 2014.

During the discussion, the Chairman of the appellate judicial board on criminal cases of Pavlodar regional court N.Zholdasbekov proposed to consider the problematic issues in the application of new criminal legislation.

In his report to the judge of regional court V.Friman on major novellas of the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the policy of humanization of the state in relation to vulnerable groups and tolerant attitude to the first non-serious offenses.

The new Criminal Code contains 467 articles (422, in the current version). Among the main innovations is the introduction of the category of so-called criminal offenses. For committing offenses are assigned the least severe punishments. This is small fines, community service, and arrest.

In his speech, the judge of regional court B.Tishtybaev spoke about the aims of the new criminal execution legislation aimed at restoring social justice, correction of convicts, the prevention of further criminal offenses, as convicts and other persons.

Also, presentations were made by representatives of the Prosecutor's Office of Internal Affairs, the criminal execution system and the Bar who discussed problematic issues arising in the study of new criminal legislation.

Press office of Pavlodar regional court