The chairman of the South-Kazakhstan Regional Court N.Sharipov answered journalists' questions

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The chairman of the South-Kazakhstan regional court Nurserik Sharipov held a briefing, during which he informed about the results of the region's courts work for 2016 and ongoing work to improve the judicial system of the republic.

Stressing the importance and urgency of the Message of the President to the People of Kazakhstan "The Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness," the chairman of the regional court noted that the regional judges have already begun work on implementing the fifth priority, which noted the need to continue the ongoing reforms aimed at protecting private property, ensuring the rule of law and equality of everyone before the law.

In the course of the briefing, the main indicators of the courts work on the consideration of criminal, civil and administrative cases were announced.

According to N.Sharipov, in the courts of the region in the order of civil proceedings for the first 12 months of 2016, 88 022 applications were received, whereas in 2015 they received 16 342 applications less, that is, by 18.5%, which indicates the growth of public confidence to the courts. In the 12 months of the past year, the production was completed for 26,171 administrative cases, the number of criminal cases considered made 5,102, and in respect of 118 persons acquittals were made.

Noting the stability of the judicial practice and the quality of the work on the administration of justice, the chairman of the regional court noted the achievements in the sphere of application by the courts of innovations of the legislation in the field of conciliatory procedures, in particular, the increase of the completed cases through the approval of mediation and participatory agreements, which became possible as a result of their extensive coverage and well-coordinated work on the implementation of these innovations in the judicial process.

N.Sharipov also stressed the launch of a new pilot project of the Supreme Court to implement pre-trial settlement of disputes (conflicts) in certain categories of disputes in the order of mediation since February of the current year. Its implementation has already begun by the courts of the region, the chairman of the regional court noted and suggested that the media representatives provide information support to the project.

Drawing the attention of those present to the practical implementation of Plan of Nation and the ongoing work on the tasks assigned to the judiciary corps by the Head of State at the VII Congress of Judges of the Republic, Sharipov stressed: "The transition to a three-level judicial system showed its positive results. The courts of the republic are 100% provided with audio and video recording systems of the trials, which ensures transparency of the courts. At the VII Congress of Judges, a new Code of Judicial Ethics was adopted, which regulates in detail the rules of conduct of judges in professional and extrajudicial activities ".

The judges-coordinators on working with the media and the press service of the regional court actively worked.

In addition to the administration of justice, regional judges also carry out patriotic upbringing of the younger generation, and provide material assistance to orphanage children on an ongoing basis, organizing charity and cultural events for them. To maintain a healthy lifestyle among the judges, various sports events are held.

In the course of the briefing N.Sharipov answered all questions of the representatives of the mass media.

Press office of the South Kazakhstan Regional Court