Архив событий


The court dismissed the legal claim for recognition of the contract null and void


SI " Construction Department of Pavlodar city " went to court with a legal claim to thirteen residents of the city of Pavlodar on the recognition of the agreement subparagraph of the demolition of residential premises in connection with the seizure of land for state needs in terms of payment of costs for utilities invalid and amending the agreement in terms of inclusion obligation to pay the expenses for utilities services.

The court defended the parents’ interests


In Kyzylorda city court considered K. father the civil case to son K. to invalidate the contract of donation of the house.

In the course of consideration of the case it was established that the parents in consultation with each other issued the contract giving the house in the name of the younger son. The son, in turn, promised that he would support them and look after, help in old age, they will always live together, including her younger sister being disabled.