In the North Kazakhstan regional court there was a press tour for the presentation of information services

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In the North Kazakhstan regional court there was a familiarization press tour of the presentation of information services for representatives of the public and the media.

Representatives of media, NGOs, branch of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, political parties, youth organizations took part in the event.

The chairman of the regional court Erlan Aitzhanov opened the event, noting that the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan pays special attention to the development of e-justice. Active work is underway to implement high information technologies in the courts work.

E.Aytzhanov also spoke about the court work and announced the main statistical indicators for the current year.

Coordinator Judge of the Regional Court Natalya Shalaeva presented guest the possibility of service "Judicial office". He told about filing a legal claim via the service, sending emails, filing applications, the module "Search legal claims."

The judge of the regional court Saken Tlegenov informed about the advantages and application of conciliation procedures, gave the statistics for 2016.

Further for the meeting participants  was held an excursion in the Museum of the History of the North Kazakhstan regional court, the Press Centre and the Training Centre of the Regional Court. The press center is equipped with audio - video conferencing, which allows journalists to remotely participate in court proceedings.

In the courtroom the meeting participants familiarized with the audio and video recording system - court session, video conferencing. Remote connection has been made with the EU 164/1 correctional institution.

In the course of the demonstration, the chairman of the regional court emphasized that at present all the courtrooms, not only in the region but also throughout Kazakhstan is 100% equipped with AVS systems.

The meeting ended collective photographing.

Press office of the North Kazakhstan regional court