The juvenile court of Astana City held a seminar with the participation of the judges of the regional courts of the Republic

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Today, in the execution of orders of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Specialized inter-district juvenile court of Astana City is held a seminar for judges of juvenile courts of the Republic.

Judge of the Supreme Court D.Nuralin, chairmen and judges of specialized inter-district juvenile courts took part in action.

Judge of the Supreme Court D.Nuralin and chairman of juvenile court N.Razzak spoke at the opening of the seminar

N.Razzak noted that juvenile courts are the most important link in the juvenile justice system, as the judicial power extends to all cases and disputes arising on the basis of the Constitution, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan relating to minors.

Also, the court held show trials in the civil case under the claim of determining the order of communication with the child and administrative proceedings under Article 442 Part 2 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Staying of Minors in the Entertainment Places at Night"

Next on the program the judge of the Supreme Court made a presentation on: "Peculiarities of consideration of criminal cases against minors with the requirements of Criminal Procedure Code in the new edition." D.Nuralin noted the special rules that apply when investigation and consideration of criminal cases in this category.

N.Razzak, in her turn, spoke about some issues of determining the order of communication and place of residence of minors. "

Participants discussed procedural rules of proceedings involving minors. Within the framework of that must be taken into account the living conditions and upbringing of a minor, and the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of the crime.

Press office of Astana City court