Institute of mediation - a tool to resolve social issues

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NGO "International Human Rights Center" by implementing the republican project under the state grant "The use of mediation institute to resolve social issues and the preservation of stability and harmony in society", organized a round table on: "Actual issues of social development and their solutions using mediation capacities ".

The judge of Astana city court G.Rahmetova, the president of the NGO "International Human Rights Center" Zh.Zhakupov, chairman of the Council for Cooperation with the court under the court of Astana Zh.Komekova, as well as representatives of law enforcement bodies, non-governmental organizations, public authorities and mediators took part in the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was to attract nonprofessional and professional mediators, community activists, to resolve disputes and disagreements.

President of the NGO "International Human Rights Center" Zh.Zhakupov delivered the opening speech. He noted that international human rights center implements the republican project on the use of mediation institute to resolve social issues and the preservation of stability and harmony in society.

"One of the main objectives of the project is to promote the institution of social mediation as a mechanism to address topical issues of social development, the formation of mediators pool among community leaders, using authority and respect, for the resolution of social problems, disputes and disagreements with the tools of mediation," - F .Zhakupov said.

In turn, G.Rahmetova stressed the need to discuss social problems and finding ways to resolve them with the use of mediation mechanism, involving the resources of local authorities and communities.

At the end of the "round table" developed the proposals and recommendations for the further development of the mediation institution in society.

Press office of Astana city court