Almaty regional courts rendered legal assistance

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July 31, 2014 in all the courts of Almaty region held "Open Day" for the providing legal assistance to the population, raising the legal culture, and improve confidence in the judicial system, as well as access to justice. Residents had the great opportunity to ask questions.

For legal assistance applied natural persons passing on cases as plaintiffs and defendants, as well as ordinary citizens. In all courts of the region adopt and heard more than 300 people.

Treatment of visitors, mainly concerned the exercise of civil rights and legitimate interests in the judicial protection in respect to labor, land, housing, family relationship. So in Taldikorgan city from Aksu district, regardless of the state of health and age, came to 85-year-old resident of the village Kyzylagash Asylbekov T. for clarification on the dispute about his lot.

All the questions were given detailed answers explaining the legislation.

Press office of Almaty regional court