Архив событий


Employees of the Department of the Supreme Court held a seminar for metropolitan PSC employees


Employees of the Department of the Supreme Court held a seminar for PSC employees of Esilsky district of Astana State Corporation "Government for citizens."

The seminar is aimed at ensuring the quality of provided to the population the state services "Apostille of official documents issued by the judicial authorities."

In the course of the meeting, the PSC representatives were explained the procedure and terms of the public service, the state duty payment. It is noted that the state fee size is 50% of MCI.

Aktobe city court recovered wages from the football club in favor of a professional footballer


T. went to Aktobe city court against the regional football club "Aktobe" on the obligation to make payment of 11.106 million tenge - wages for November and December 2015, 483 224 tenge - penalties for delayed payment of wages, 5.553 million tenge - compensation for unused days of annual paid leave for 2015 and 207 096 tenge - penalties for late payment in connection with the employment contract termination

Fedorovsky District Rural akim is fined on 200 thousand tenge for the fact that he employed an employee with a criminal record


Федоровский районный суд Костанайской области рассмотрел административное дело по ст. 681 КоАП РК в отношении 50-летнего гражданина А. (принятие на работу лиц, ранее совершивших коррупционное преступление).

А., являясь акимом сельского округа, принял на гражданскую службу гражданку Я. в качестве статиста, достоверно зная о том, что она была осуждена за коррупционное преступление.