Архив событий


Uralsk city court announced the verdict in the criminal case against the former head of the Regional Anti-Monopoly Service


The former head of the Department of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition on the West Kazakhstan region Valikhan Razov, realizing dependent position of the natural monopoly subject JSC "AGPE" exceeding his official powers, demanded from the JSC purchase office furniture for Department.

In addition, abuse of official powers, setting in the course of the analysis of JSC "Zhayykteploenergo" activity violation facts on the part of the subject, had a preference for the latter, concealing the violations.

Военный суд Акмолинского гарнизона провел семинар для адвокатов по использованию «Судебного кабинета»


The Akmolinsk garrison military court to clarify the possibilities of service "Judicial office" held a seminar for legal advice lawyers of Esil district of Astana city.

In the course of the seminar, the listeners presented a promotional video, shot by the Akmolinsk garrison military court, which briefly and clearly explains the service main advantages.