Архив событий


Court protected the rights of the mother of 2 years old girl, injured from an accident in kindergarten


Kostanai city court considered a civil case under citizen G.Istepbergenova’s legal claim to a private institution "School Garden Gymnasium of Kostanai" for the recovery of non-pecuniary damage.

According to the case file, the complainant's daughter, 2013 birth, has attended abovementioned kindergarten from January 2015. On 21st of October with a child happened an accident through the fault of the younger group nursery teacher, who left the children without attendance.

Sentence is pronounced against the police inspector of Zhanaozen


Zhanaozen city court of the Mangistau region considered a criminal case against the police inspector G.Oryntaev.

The court found that on 6th of December, 2013 that G.Oryntaev was appointed of licensing system inspector of MIA of Zhanaozen. He when carrying out his duties, abusing his official powers illegally recorded and sold weapons. These facts were revealed during the audit by the Internal Investigations Division employees of the DIA of the Mangistau region. 

The first agreement is settled by way of participatory procedures in Pavlodar region


From 1st of January 2016 it’s began to operate the new Civil Procedure Code. One of the priorities in its implementation was the expansion of the mediation institution, promoting the restorative justice development, reducing the burden on courts, and the introduction of a new type of conciliation - mediation in court, which conducts the judge.

In Pavlodar city court with the participation of lawyers is approved the first agreement on the settlement of the dispute (conflict) by way of a participatory procedure.