There had been summed up the pilot project on judicial mediation in Mangistau regional court

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In Mangistau regional court held a round table on the topic "Issues associated with the application of conciliation procedures, including the participation of a judge."

The chairman of the appellate board of the regional court M.Sabyrbaev, chairmen of courts and judges, region professional mediators and lawyers took part in the event.

The event was organized with the purpose of summing up the pilot project "Introduction conciliation agreements procedures with participation of judges to the Civil Procedure Code "and the definition of positive and negative judicial mediation aspects.

There had been conducted lectures, seminars and round tables for the purpose of explanation and advocacy judicial mediation among the population. Judges and court chairmen issued materials to the media; it had been taken runners and held training seminars for judges.

As a result of 11 months of 2014 there had been examined 15,847 civil cases, of which 95 terminated the proceedings due to the amicable agreement of the parties with the participation of professional mediators, 50 cases completed in mediation procedure - noted the judge Mangistau region court G.Imangalieva.

During the roundtable judge mediators, lawyers and professional mediators shared their views on the positive and negative aspects of the judicial mediation and shared one view that it should not rush to the approval of the judicial mediation.

At the end, in a solemn ceremony General director of the "Union of Kazakhstan mediators" Zh.Zhakupov presented grateful letters "The International Law enforcement center," a number of court chairmen for merits of mediation institute development in Kazakhstan.

Press office of Mangistau regional court