Information on a criminal case regarding Utemissova K.D.

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The Supreme Court RK considered a request of the convicted Utemissova K.D. on transfer of the criminal case in appeal to the court of the city Astana.

By the sentence of Almalinsk district court of the city Almaty as of 5 May 2014 Utemissova K.D. was convicted by article 350 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (pronouncement of an illegal sentence) to 4 years 6 months of freedom deprivation with deprivation of the right to hold positions in the state service for a term of 3 years with the service of sentence in the correctional colonies of general regime.

This sentence by an appeal petition of the convicted was received for consideration in Almaty municipal court.

Along with that, the convicted Utemissova K.D. submitted a request of change of court jurisdiction and transfer of her criminal case to another court.

According to norms of the Criminal Procedure Code, a criminal case can be transferred from one court to another court of the same level for the purpose of a more objective case consideration.

In accordance with the aforesaid, as well as, taking into account arguments of the convicted Utemissova K.D. and the fact that the convicted for a long time worked as a judge of Almaty municipal court, by the resolution of the Supreme Court RK as of 6 June 2014 the criminal case was sent for consideration in appeal to the court of the city Astana.

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Press Office of the Supreme Court RK