Head of Veterinary medicine is found guilty for illegal extraction of derivatives of saigas

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Zhaksy district court of Akmolinsk region considered a criminal case against the head of the veterinary medicine of Zharkain district A. Dosanov on charges of illegal extraction of saiga derivatives.

Court found out that the head of the department of veterinary medicine of Zharkain district, taking part in the disposal of fallen massively as a result of the disease saigas, organized collection of dead saiga horns. Felled horns, in the amount of 26 pieces were found in his car and confiscated by the police inspector officers, forestry inspection inspector and fauna of Akmolinsk region.

By court verdict head of veterinary medicine is found guilty of committing of a crime stipulated by Article 339 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (illegal treatment with rare and endangered species of plants and animals (or) their parts and derivatives, as well as with plants and animals and (or) their parts and derivatives, the withdrawal of which is prohibited). He was sentenced to restriction of freedom for a term of one year.

Court verdict has not entered into legal force.

Press office of Akmolinsk regional court