District inspectors are accused of committing corruption crimes

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In Zhanaozen city court of Mangistau region announced the verdict on the criminal case against hadn’t previously convicted A.S. and S.K., accused under p.  "b" p. 4 Article 311 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (acceptance of a bribe by a group of persons with the previous concert).

According to the case-file district inspector of the administrative police DIA A.S. by previous concert with the employee, S.K., has committed a grave corruption crime, namely, demanded a bribe from brigadier LLP "Korando Plus" A. C. threatening that would attract foreigners to administrative responsibility and would prevent the implementation of the construction works on the territory of the district "Aksu" of Zhanaozen city, where the employees of police were obliged to ensure public order.

By court verdict A.S. and S.K. were found guilty of a crime provided for p. "b" p. 4 Article 311 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of seven (7) years, with confiscation of property, deprivation of the right to hold positions in law enforcement for a period of 3 years, in penitentiary settlement of a general regime.

  The verdict has not entered into force.

Press office of Mangistau regional court