Chairmen of the courts presented in the North-Kazakhstan region

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At the plenary meeting of the North Kazakhstan regional court there was a presentation of the newly appointed chairmen of district and equivalent courts of the region.

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 3, 2016 chairman of Akkayin District Court appointed Nuralin Nurlan Kayrbekovich, chairman of the district court named after M.Zhumabayev - Arіphan Nartai Askerbekyly, chairman of the Court number 3 of Taiynsha District - Smagulov Tanat Orynbaevich.

Presenting the chairmen of courts the acting chairman of the Regional Court Bakhyt Kaseinov wished them successful work, to be faithful to duty and to administer justice for the sake of protection of the legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities.

Further there was a presentation of the chairmen in staffs of courts.

Press office of the North Kazakhstan regional court