Application of judicial mediation in Kyzylorda municipal court

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In accordance with a pilot project on introduction of conciliation procedures with the participation of a judge (judicial mediation) into a civil judicial procedure within June of the current year 12 civil cases were considered with the application of judicial mediation in Kyzylorda municipal court. For instance, upon the statement of a complainant I. and defendant N. on divorcement, parties came to an agreement on holding a judicial mediation, under art.242 of clause 7 of the Civil Procedure Code the judicial procedure was stopped and given to a judge G.Zh. Myrzatayeva, who executes a peaceful agreement on the basis of the judicial mediation.

Besides, upon the suit of Kazakhtelecom JSC to a defendant Ye. on a debt recovery, an agreement of a conflict settlement was drawn up by applying the judicial mediation, and the case was withdrawn from the procedure.

The pilot project judicial mediation in courts of Kyzylorda region is actively implemented, and today it gives results.

Press Office of Kyzylorda regional court