The Management personnel of the Department of the Supreme Court RK visited an orphan home and congratulated them with the holiday

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On 1 June on the International Children’s Day employees of the Department for provision of courts’ activity under the Supreme Court RK in the lead of the Chief of the Department I.S.Ispanov visited an orphan home for orphan children and children, who were left without care of parents, which is located in the village Zholymbet of Shortandy district Akmola region at the distance almost 100 km away from the city Astana.

This event was organized on the initiative of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Mami, and is one of many such arrangements under a direct support of the management personnel of the Supreme Court.

Representatives of the Department presented to fosters of the orphan home at the age from 8 to 16 years all necessary equipment for sports and music instruments for a sports and creative development of children. Gifts were chosen taking into account wishes of children themselves of the orphan home.

The celebration continued with a concert program, arranged by children.

Fosters of the orphan home expressed gratitude for attention and care given to them.

The Chief of the Department I.Ispanov, having congratulated children with the holiday, assured that such meetings will become a tradition.

Press Office of the Supreme Court RK