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I congratulate you on the beautiful spring holiday on March 8 - the International Women's Day!

Beginning as a political action for women's rights, it acquired its own special ideology in Kazakhstan today on March 8. It is a festival of women's admiration and gratitude to them from men.

On the eve of March 8, all men try to congratulate, please and give attention to women in a special way in every family and work collective. Doing this, they first of all want to pay tribute respect to the great role that a woman plays in our society. On the one hand, she is a loving and patient mother, a domestic goddess, a caring wife. On the other hand, she is a responsible worker, a successful leader, who professionally does her job and achieves high results.

A special attitude of gender policy is paid by the Head of State. The relevant National Commission is actively working in the republic, new holidays emphasizing the important role of the family and women are being created. Mother's Day and the national contest "Mereyli otbassy" are among them. The matters of motherhood and childhood are under special social protection of the state.

March 8 has a special sacred significance for the judiciary. After all, a woman the symbol of justice from ancient times is in the whole world is not for nothing. In fact, today about 60% of the judiciary and court employees are women. Perhaps this is because women know how to listen better, to delve into details, are distinguished by special patience, a sense of justice, are more balanced in their actions by nature. All this is fundamental for working with people and settling disputes.

 I wish you good health, family well-being and great happiness with all my heart! Let love and mutual understanding always reign in your house, and your business and undertakings are accompanied by success.


The chairman of the Supreme Court

of the Republic of Kazakhstan                                                                      Zh. Аssanov

Press Service of the Supreme Court