
Judges of the Akmola regional court held a seminar with the aim of improvement of quality of administration of justice


Judges of the Akmola regional court held a seminar on discussion of the reasons of cancellations and changes of the judicial acts allowed by judges of the regional and equivalent courts of the region.

The seminar was carried out in two sections. Judges, who considered civil, administrative and criminal cases, discussed the reasons of cancellation and changes of decisions, rulings and sentences.

Judges of Akmola regional court planted pine avenue in honor of the Victory Day


In honor of celebration of the Defender Day of the Fatherland and the Victory Day the judges of Akmola regional court headed by the chairman of regional court N. Abdikanov in the downtown of Kokshetau city planted the pine avenue.

This avenue is planted in memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Afghan soldiers.

We commemorate and thank veterans!


Courts of Akmola region actively hold events for celebration of the 70 anniversary of the Victory and honoring of veterans of war.

In the museum of regional court Military Hall of Fame has been opened devoted to judges – to participants of the Great Patriotic War. About 24 judges-veterans of Akmola region are published articles in republican and local mass media. The staff of court took part in the organization of the regional championship among veterans of war and the back on checkers and chess.

Courts of Akmola region held a litter pick


Judges and staff of Akmola region’s courts held a litter pick. Office of Akmola regional court together with all structural divisions headed by the head D. Sarymsakov the first in Kokshetau city came to a litter pick and cleaned up in the territory of buildings of the courts.

The sentence of Kokshetau city court against the chief accountant of a RC "Kokshe" came into force


The chief accountant of a RC "Kokshe" is found by a sentence of Kokshetau city court of Akmola region guilty of commission of the crimes provided by articles 189 part 3 cl. 1, 385 parts 1,3 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sentence in the form of imprisonment for a period of five years, with deprivation of the right to hold materially responsible positions within three years is imposed to her. On the basis of article 63 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan sentence has been imposed with suspended new hire trial period for two years.

Results of the pilot project "Judicial mediation" on Akmola region


In December, 2014 the pilot project "Judicial mediation" on introduction in civil legal proceedings of conciliatory procedures with participation of the judge came to the end.

In Akmola region were determined by participants of the pilot project – appeal judicial board on civil and administrative cases of Akmola regional court and Kokshetau city court.

In Kokshetau city court Rakhmetova S.N. and Zharmukhamedova E.T. were appointed judges mediators.

The chairman of Akmola regional court held a meeting with young judges


The chairman of Akmola regional court N.Abdikanov held an extended meeting with young judges.

The chairman of the regional branch of the Union of Judges of Kazakhstan, chairmen of judicial boards and judges of regional, district and equivalent courts, representatives of the Commission on Judicial Ethics and the head of the Office of the regional court took part in the meeting.