Right to housing is protected

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Семейским городским судом рассмотрено гражданское дело об обжаловании действий судебного исполнителя.

Semey city court considered the civil case appeal against the officer of the court actions.

Vladimirov V. went to the court with a complaint to invalidate the private officer of the court actions making a ruling about the foreclosure of the three-room apartment belonging to him by right of ownership.

In the course of the trial, it found that in the production of the private officer of the court was the enforcement proceeding by the court decision to recover from the debtor in the joint procedure in favor of the bank debt and the foreclosure of the mortgaged property as a dwelling house.

Within the framework of the enforcement proceedings after the implementation dwelling house was made partial repayment of debts by the debtor to the bank.

In this regard, the officer of the court foreclosed on the debtor's property - on bedroom apartment, despite the fact that the earlier court decision in the foreclosure of the indicated property was denied.

The court of appeal against the private actions bailiff satisfied. It resolved to invalidate the decision to foreclose on the debtor's property, namely a two-bedroom apartment.

The court's decision has not come into legal force.

Press office of the East Kazakhstan regional court