Judges and staff of the Supreme Court took part in the citywide clean-up

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Judges and staff of the Supreme Court took part in the citywide clean-up


Judges and staff of the Supreme Court, responding to the call of the Mayor of the capital, took part in a citywide clean-up.

Representatives of the Supreme judicial body at the Botanical garden planted seedlings of trees and shrubs, and also engaged in cleaning the streets and sidewalks.

Thus, the capital joins the international environmental campaign "World purity day", which was supported by more than 150 countries and about 380 million volunteers. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the waste collected during the period of its implementation will be sorted (secondary raw materials separately from the mixed garbage) and then sent to the waste processing plant.

The main purpose of citywide clean-up is to attract public attention to the preservation of cleanliness on the streets and the formation of environmental culture. To contribute to the improvement of the improvement of streets and courtyards can all residents and organizations of the city.


Press service of the Supreme Court


пресс-служба Верховного Суда