results of work

Summed up the work of financial and economic services of local courts


In accordance with the Plan of control measures of the Internal Control Department for 2014 made 4 integrated controls and 2 thematic audits of financial and economic activities of the Office of the regional and equivalent courts.

During the control measures of the total allocated budget funds audits covered 19 billion 251 million 394 thousand tenge, or 32.5%.

In Almaty municipal court there was an extended session


Today in Almaty municipal court there was an extended session on results of work for the first half-year of the current year with the participation of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Mami.

The Chairman of Almaty municipal court A.Yeshtay, Chairman of the Military Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.Abdullayev, judges of municipal, district courts as well as judges of the Military Court took part in the event.