80th anniversary

Judges of the East Kazakhstan region congratulated on the 80th anniversary of the veteran of judiciary Galina Mihina


Judge of the East Kazakhstan regional court M.Tokusheva and chairman of the interaction with the courts of the Council under the regional court, the judge retired V.Kizametdinov on behalf of the Chairman of the East Kazakhstan regional court D.Amirov and the regional branch of the Union of judges, the veterans of the judiciary congratulated the veteran of labor and judiciary Galina Stepanovna Mihina on 80th birthday by presenting to the celebrant gifts.

In the Supreme Court the was celebration the veteran of the judicial system Kenes Zhalmuhanbetov


Today, at the Supreme Court there was a solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the veteran of judicial system Kenes Zheksenbekovich Zhalmuhanbetov.

Kenes Zheksenbekovich after the graduation of Kazakh State University named after S.Kirov started his career as a senior inspector of Syrdarya region finance department of Kyzylorda region. In 1959, he became the furnace attendant of blast furnace shop of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant.