Mother, allowing finding the child at night in the street is fined

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By Specialized inter-district juvenile court of West Kazakhstan region is considered an administrative case against a 32 year resident of Uralsk city, which allowed the finding of her six-year child at night on the street unaccompanied by legal representatives.

Court in the considering a case on administrative offense, it was found that the minor resided with his grandmother to three years. In this case the child's mother explained that she could not contain him, so she agreed to the son lived with his grandmother. She cohabited with a man who did not take her son. Of joint life with the cohabitant she had a son. She needed a new family, which she cherished and where there was no place for her son. And from the first child she refused, as she did not want to bring up and maintain.

The court found the legal representative of the minor guilty of an administrative offense under Article 336-4 Part 2 AOC RK, and imposed on her an administrative fine in the amount of 9260 tenge.

In the future, by the guardianship will be decided issue on parental rights of offender.

Press office of West Kazakhstan regional court