Remote administration of justice

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In the Concept of legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 to 2020 one of the priority directions of improvement of judicial activity is increase of level of openness and transparency of judicial system.

Introduction in activity of the courts of modern information technologies is one of the main objectives for ensuring broad access for the population to judicial activity.

One of such directions - is equipment of halls of court sessions by systems of audio-video of fixing, with possibility of carrying out remote court sessions by means of a video conferencing.

The department on ensuring activity of the courts under the Supreme Court conducts collaboration with pre-trial detention centers and correctional facilities of Committee of criminal and executive system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on introduction of systems of a video conferencing for carrying out remote court sessions in the petition of convicted, accused and suspects.

According to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan the investigative judge is granted the right to hold a meeting in the video conference mode.

Besides, it is provided that "participation in judicial proceedings convicted, being in custody, can be provided with application of scientific and technical means in the video conference mode".

It should be noted that introduction of information technologies to the sphere of criminal legal proceedings, including use of a video conferencing, pursues the aim of increase of productivity and quality of proceeding on criminal cases, observance of procedural terms, safety of participants of criminal trial and an exception of other risks at convoy convicted, and also minimization of expenses of budgetary funds.

Besides, application of technical means audio-, video of fixing of court session, video conferencing:

− increases the level of openness and availability of justice;

− optimizes a work of the courts;

− saves budgetary funds and means of participants of legal proceedings;

− increases quality of the record of court session.

Today, in courts of the republic court sessions are already held with use of system of a video conferencing on criminal and civil cases everywhere and regularly.

One of such examples is an appeal to the Supreme Court convicted T., serving sentence in corrective AP institution - 162/4 of Pavlodar city with the petition for renewal of proceeding on again opened to circumstances.

The judge of the Supreme Court issued the decree on convoy convicted T., to the building of Pavlodar regional court for participation in court session of supervisory instance by means of a video conferencing which is considered at 10.00 a.m. on April 27, 2015 in the building of the Supreme Court.

The taken measures from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for providing correctional facilities with systems of a video conferencing will give the chance to provide timeliness of hearing of cases, to exclude need of convoy of defendants and the convicted persons.

With application of the above described technical means all process of legal proceedings becomes absolutely transparent. Full introduction of this system will minimize possibility of any procedural violations.

The planned integration of system of audio, - video of the fixing with the list of hearings placed on the Internet - a resource of judicial authorities will allow to trace time of the exact beginning of court session and to take measures for prevention of failures.

Besides, each participant of judicial proceedings will be able to examine audio, - video process materials, having come into the Judicial office.

The ultimate goal of all actions of efforts is a creation of time of justice adequate to calls, mobile, transparent, available to all and based on rule of law.

Press office of the Supreme Court of RK