Creating a poster

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Today in Almaly court number 2 of Almaty city is considered a civil case at the suit of the conservatory named after Kurmangazy to the creators of the poster, with a picture of kissing Kurmangazi and Pushkin.

After reviewing the case, the court decided, to recover from the advertising agency Havas Worldwide Kazakhstan, creating the poster for the benefit of a conservatory named after Kurmangazy 34 million tenge.

Previously, by the decision of the appellate board of Almaty city court decision of specialized inter-district administrative court of Almaty city was upheld: advertising agency Havas Worldwide Kazakhstan and its leader D.Hamitzhanova are found guilty of an administrative offense under Part. 1, Article 349 of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offences Code and subjected to an administrative fine of 170 MCI.

Decision has not entered into force

Press office of Almaty city court