The brigands got what they deserved

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Today, in specialized inter-district court on criminal cases in South Kazakhstan region passed judgment on the murder, which occurred on June 1, 2014 in Saryagash city.

Defendants T.Karahmetov, A.Dolanbaev and B.Abildahanov under the pretext of exchanging 45,000 dollars by false pretenses called for a meeting the private entrepreneur B.Tashmetov dealing with currency exchange. When B.Tashmetov came to the appointed place, the defendants have committed brigandage against him and were attacked by a gunshot inflicted serious bodily injury. Thereafter, the defendants fled the scene, taking possession of the victim's money, in the amount of 8,385,650 tenge. The victim of a gunshot wounds died.

By court sentence the accused under Article 179 p. 4 p. 'b', 96 p. 2 p. "g, h" of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.Karahmetov defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for 19 years. A.Dolanbaev and B.Abildahanov were sentenced to imprisonment for 20 years each.

The verdict has not entered into force.

Press office of South-Kazakhstan regional court