Schedule of personal reception of physical and representatives of legal persons in the Supreme Court

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Approved by
the ordinance of
the Chairman of the Supreme Court of
the Republic of Kazakhstan
as of «26» December 2013
№ 278

Official, who holds a personal reception


Days and time of a reception

Chairman of the Supreme Court

Mami Kairat Abdrazakuly


When the need arises, not rare once in a quarter

Chairman of the supervisory judicial board on civil and administrative cases of the Supreme Court

Abdykadyrov Yelis Nurkassymovich


Second Monday of each month

Chairman of the supervisory judicial board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court

Rakhmetulin Abai Dzhambulovich


Third Monday of each month

Chief of the Department for provision of courts’ activity under the Supreme Court (administrative office of the Supreme Court)

Шарипов Нурсерик Каримович


Forth Monday of each month


A reception is held in working hours, from 10-00 a.m. till 13-00 p.m., from 2-30 p.m. till 5-00 p.m. On issues of a personal reception please feel free contact by the phone 8 (7172) 71-01-75, responsible person Ualiyev Berik Teltayevich