About the Division

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About the Division

The Division of internal security and the prevention of corruption in courts (hereinafter – the DIS) is an independent unit of the Department for ensuring the operation of courts under the Supreme Court (hereinafter - the Department), with the relevant territorial divisions in the offices of the regional, district and equated courts (hereinafter - the local courts).

The DIS operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constitutional Law "On Judicial System and Status of Judges", decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other normative legal acts.

The structure and quantity of staff  of the DIS is approved by the head of the Department in the order prescribed by legislation.

Territorial subdivisions of internal security and the prevention of corruption are included in the structure of the offices of the local courts as independent services with direct subordination to the DIS of the Department.

The DIS carries out its work on the principles of legality, confidentiality, accountability and the vertical subordination, in cooperation in the established order with other structural units of the Department, with law enforcement and other state authorities  of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Division consists of the following sectors:

- sector of state secrets protection;

- sector of organization of activity on counteraction of corruption;

- sector of bailiffs.

The main tasks of the DIS:

- ensuring the safety of judges and judiciary staff;

- the prevention and suppression of corruption of  judges and judiciary staff, as well as opposition to the facts of provocative actions against the above persons;

- detecting and preventing the leakage of the facts, the transfer of information constituting state or official secret.


Leaders of the Division of internal security and the prevention of corruption in courts of the Department for ensuring the operation of courts


Head of the Division – Ermagambetov Timur Muratbekovich

Phone: 71-01-94 







Deputy Head of the Division – Mukhamedzhanov Nurzhan Zharlygasinovich

Phone: 71-01-95